Monday, January 11, 2010

Salomon Sanchez Which Snowboard Is Better?

Which snowboard is better? - salomon sanchez

that the Board is better? K2 WWW or Salomon Sanchez? I write a lot of feathers, and so not much higher for Americans.


BabyDeer... said...

I think the K2 WWW Rocker has a new technology that is different from the normal tables. For example, the V-rocker, if I can put it on a flat surface really shake up the board from left to right, can it really it is a V-shape in the middle of the board to enable a better flow of the Board and Board on Rails boxes.

I would say go with the WWW

<POWDER-... said...

K2 Www safe! and even a teeter board, which is super good for making butter and snowboarding only get much easier, the K2-i love it soooo

Hazel said...

www idk about K2, but good restaurants reeally Solomon

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