Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ride On Carry On Any Ideas For How To Have A Confortable Airplane Ride, And What To Bring On Carry On?

Any ideas for how to have a confortable airplane ride, and what to bring on carry on? - ride on carry on

I am a flight in 10 hours. I know I can not liquids such as toothpaste or deodorant, as well as other ideas that can be done to any aircraft, or what a comfortable ride covers grab it?


IFly2Get... said...

As a traveler and globtrotting and drivers at the time that the Dead Sea was sick, that's my two cents "

1. UAE.
2. Grapes, raisins, apricots, or simply transporting fruit, nutritious snack bars, breakfast fruit.
3. Earplugs or headphones for your personal music player (iPod, for example).
4. Mask (or sun, day or night). One of the best wrap-around-your-neck travel pillows, if you think you can take a nap.


Many puzzles. A book. A magazine or two. An iPod.

Getting Started - Bring plenty of water. Heights of the aircraft cabin in flight level (18,000 feet or more) usually between 6000 and 8000 (Back in the early days of the first class travel meant something), the cabin altitude was in the range of 6000 "more like 8000 with the aim of gaining weight - and fuel costs have failed to bring an additional two tons of air. As you breathe the air is probably less than thats body is used, and has a dehydrating effect permanently.

Secondly, a commercial aircraft cabin air conditioning, packaging, and part of the "function" refers to the removal of moisture. The air tends to be drier.

Both conditions create an environment that is subtly sensitive to desiccation. A flight of 10 hours is a time to be used in this type of environment. If you can drink 8 liters of water per hour, would perhaps be useful. Buy a jug gallon. Eating grapes or apricots. Broccoli, too.

The noisiest part of the plane is usually behind the wing, which for various reasons, not quite normal that affects a specific goal to feel Beninde motor activity, but also the noise by the method of animal production - and the plane through the air - tend to be localized in this area. If you go in the coach seats are available, you can be more peaceful to sit in front of the wing, or no higher than mid-range at the root of the wing (the majority of the right, just outside the Windof you look ;-)). Now are not you glad that you release the headphones / hands?

If you are thinking about the dream, and you have a "lighter", you may find it pleasant to be around in a window seat of an aisle. Note that the travel pillow?

Seats wing experience side to side motion (yaw) the aircraft, another good reason to sit in front of the wing, if we are all vulnerable this kind of movement.

Hope this helps - fly ensure a good trip, and send us a postcard!

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