Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Much Is An Antiques Slide Slides Projecter Worth How Do I Automatically Change Slides On Microsoft PowerPoint?

How do I automatically change slides on Microsoft PowerPoint? - how much is an antiques slide slides projecter worth

I want to create a PowerPoint presentation on my computer and found a question. I use a short video in my slides. Upon completion of the video slides, Powerpoint will automatically move to the next slide. I do not want (timed to the PowerPoint slide for change after a time change of the foil), as the team shows that the project will be an old computer. (Microsoft Windows 2000, built in 1999). Suggestions?


David D said...

I think the solution is timely in a film that will ultimately be responsible. Look how long it takes to play out the video in the machine and continue from there. A few seconds as a buffer.

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