Monday, January 18, 2010

How To Stop Nausea During A Flu What Is Wrong With Me? Am I Pregnant Or Just The Flu?

What is wrong with me? am I pregnant or just the flu? - how to stop nausea during a flu

I have taught my caculator ovulation and ovulation März 13-18 .. My friend and I had sex EVERYOTHER day in this period. On 15 I was sick and vomiting non-stop all day. I felt that pain every day! I know he wouldnt show that fast, but my stomach is hard and bigger and I've eaten hardly anything! Usually when I am with the flu, I am skin and bones, as not to eat sick. I also have a test, even though they knew it to be negative, because if I have to say much too soon, right? Frankly, I have not felt so last week, and my stomach was really uncomfortable. Do you think that only the flu?

It could also be sick and you feel the egg implant itself? How long after relocating to a report from the egg?


Anonymous said...

Honey, I think they are ill. Even if you ovulate on the 15th, still do not feel implantation. Implantation occurs 7-10 days after ovulation. You do not notice any bleeding or cramping implantation until probably next week. This does not mean it's not your months. Look good on you.
Best of luck!

Anonymous said...

I think they are ill. Sometimes your mind is the body that you may be pregnant, to convince, is rare and occurs only say that you are not pregnant and take care of your bird. As for the duration, which are almost identical. My window "fruitful" ages 12-17. ) After the egg and sperm cells and a combination of genetic (2-3 days, the fertilized egg takes 3-4 days to travel on the tube and 1 or 2 days after implantation in the uterus. If it happens hCG increased, doubling every 2 days. So be sure to test up to 4 days after implantation. If you have approximately 10 days after ovulation, and if you can prove it. To obtain a more accurate result, the day of the test should have your period.

Anonymous said...

I think if you are pregnant, it is too early for morning sickness. This does not occur, usually about 4 weeks later. The physician can, in most cases, there is a blood test to see if you are pregnant. It is more accurate than a test and detected earlier. In the case of the flu and not sure if you are pregnant, I would not be any medicine. I let it run its course. Perhaps wait another week and take another pregnancy test. Or make an appointment with your gynecologist.
For the implantation of the egg itself, I really do not know the answer to this question. Maybe you can see that online too. Go to and ask this question, you should receive a reply. Hope this helps.

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