Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Driver Disco Fisso Pci Women Driver - Panic At A "disco"!?

Women Driver - Panic at a "disco"!? - driver disco fisso pci

I drive my car parked next to this woman (in my own room) ... Women want to go and back of your car ... Suddenly his car struck scratched my car ... I went to look out, look ... It makes me and said: "I see you parked my car!" .... And it was like .. What? I am legally parked there and parked in my space ... my car in my space ... and she blames me? "... Then she screamed louder than I want to rape her, that she, I was amazed! ... Fortunately, it is a woman, if not go to war ... .. Meet my steering ...

Do u driver that women still sucks and panic on the streets or out? "


Michael F said...

I was surfing at a roundabout in Pahang. Four routes are served by the roundabout divided.
A woman approached the driver's roundabout, not a half turn in the direction he was made entering the roundabout. It should be on the brake pedal, and I have the horn. She looked at me I was crazy.

In the last PJ, a woman driving a 4WD lanes three times without blinking once on the range of 500 meters, almost every time I removed the front. Again have (possibly marked) with my unbelief, my horn, and if he could return with her and my eyes is a serious warning, began to gesticulate so angry.

A woman driver pulled in front of me TTDI a rest position, no signal, and not try to look in his mirror. Once the brakes and the horn were made simultaneously, and yet I have the "what's wrong with you?" Look.

It's just this week.

Baby # 2 due 8/21/2010 said...

lol yeah ... We women know .. Sometimes people are crazy ... certainly not me, well

winterlo... said...

My car has a nick, even if they are properly parked in rows.
Male drivers has always been the culprit''''....
So far, 4 male driver braked suddenly and hit my car from behind.
Twice, I was expecting a red light .... hello? What is the hurry?
Once a male driver drove very fast connection to me, just because I could not move, the Union .... was excluded from the union. Then he went to was crazy, he deliberately crashed his car into
my. It was a blow to his car left to right and collided with another car! ....... lol and they sought compensation for male drivers! WTF!
I told them to go to the nearest police station, and I made the first report. I called the two cars .... '','', Then the second victim, said he wanted to go, but the police said they could not because I said, as the number of car ... hahaha .......
After 2 hours, a senior officer, zip (---** **---) said immediately terminate and damage even know .... Malaysia Boleh! LOL .....

Sometimes I see young girls driving too fast and hit the brakes, lost my car, just a few inches! This show-off really!

So, no, I do not agree that the drivers suck women and always panic and off road ..... Men, too ........ Both suck and Panic! Both routes can be dangerous and can be dangerous to bat ....

★yaya★ said...

.. Too bad that the next time gertak ...
We are only ... While it carefully .. Not everyone sux ..

appsptsp... said...


Here's the deal .....

Not all women are bad drivers, not all hysterical.

However, it is striking, who is both.

Keep a disposable camera in your glove compartment. If this happens again, take pictures.

In addition, the judge can say ....." pay! "


Tan D said...

A U.S. study has found that men are better drivers than women.
And yes, in general, women drivers can not be undone park your car and proposely. Anyway on a front when on the road, will never return and the vehicle is approaching from behind verify.

chestnut... said...

Sorry Baby, Honey Chile, all women drivers are always boring and panic on the street or off road! But we are emotional creatures, so be careful! LOL!

booyah said...

I should have said, "a woman at the wheel" instead of "women drivers". I was on the streets of more than 20 years. I have not a scratch. .. Knock Knock ..
I think it depends on the personallity of a person.
it is not a woman or a man or ... Hold the steering wheel ..
Coz ur the MAN

ohioan_f... said...

I have run for years and never had an accident, even with a speed ticket. I think that one should not judge all women based on experience. In fact, I know that more men are involved in an accident, but I do not mean to say men who aspire to as a driver.

Wild Bean said...

Not all, but most of them ... No offense ... In addition to being a woman are seen as the weaker sex, so that he could sell the site to see a knight ...

Tell me if the woman is called, they are polite and say APA certainly harmless, right?

Twiggy said...

I understand your frustration. Oh, so you have to had a bad day. Pardon for his rudeness and abruptness. Suggests, however, his last sentence, that all women go bad drivers, do I have to strongly disagree. Example? Try to review some serious accidents in recent months and see who were the victims. :-| Sex? = Male.

Need I say more?

ikanjerungakaD.S Semi Value said...

No, it means tactics or strategies.

because the man always asks the women a bad driver, you might as well Selambai the AJE ... (talking)

What does that mean?

Bee said...

Dude, he said that? As far as I concern, the concern regarded atlhough .. Not all of us. I even met a male driver, like the devil, if he is involved in an accident, panicked.

The Snail said...

wat ru saying is "pretty girls kill" rite?

AQ الطامح said...

Silence and to repair damage to your vehicle. This was not your fault, you said it was clear she was guilty and intended for damage to his car to pay. But things do not work well in practice: first report to the police that the guilt because you are a woman and begin most men drool when Malaysia "Perempuan" lies in the vicinity, so no chance.

My car was once repulsed spun for a female driver, and press the barrier route. Luckily, I am left without a scratch, and luckily I was alone in the car. It is clear that it's his fault, you might say, but if the police prepared a report which was quite a different story, I complained, but nobody was interested in reparation "linguistic" errors. I accuse all the I-don't-know-what-logic. If the result of my experience with my friends in Malaysia told me every time shares as a driver hit the lady was never a woman.

So if you are not enough donuts feed to forgotten men in blue registration.

BMW M5 said...

Many women out there are bad drivers. Well, many women worry about the street, even some men. Women who have this car so badly hit.

He was probably looking Spring Onion vice versa.

danielw... said...

I think I should have used his handsome face and beautiful ...
In general, women are much more drive, but their estimate on the parking and turning are very poor.
Also I saw someone driving with the handbrake and smoke from the ground.
Even at night I do not know how to make it to the lights for beginners.
No offense, but true ...

danielw... said...

I think I should have used his handsome face and beautiful ...
In general, women are much more drive, but their estimate on the parking and turning are very poor.
Also I saw someone driving with the handbrake and smoke from the ground.
Even at night I do not know how to make it to the lights for beginners.
No offense, but true ...


I mean Kereta Surunga, then use u .... Lamburgini Run ... hahahaha

Shah said...

What a *****! Some people have no control over them. Yes, I agree, especially female drivers in Malaysia.

Shah said...

What a *****! Some people have no control over them. Yes, I agree, especially female drivers in Malaysia.

GaL Hairi said...

wahh ... Too bad ...
I'm not like ...
not all women drivers are so ...
Maybe he just has his license .. find 'P' on your car?
coz maybe he was ashamed that it beat the car while the car is a parking space ..
or maybe she saw her beautiful face is beautiful and crazy that DA ..

But what I know, I'm not so ..
Want to bet?
Kat Yom Trek ... lol

Slug said...

They should slap that ****** ******.

They were officially involved Ussy p + unknown. Clap! Clap! Clap! (Yes, I wonder how to p + Ussy whipped cream, if you are married)

What a chicken. LOL!

heman said...

I have experience with a female driver and sometimes when the unit of THK r the only use of the road and wait for pple to give, as they suddenly, for example from the Union Lite NVR signal when changing lane, right lane, with, that r, slow, etc. ..

Cos all the women, but only a few ...

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