Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lesson Plan Software Has Anyone Used An Online Teacher's Planner By Teacher Created Resources? (or The Computer Software)

Has anyone used an online teacher's planner by Teacher Created Resources? (or the computer software) - lesson plan software

I'm trying to find the software or the online version of the book of the teacher's planning for the former. I have access to curriculum software, I need the calendar in a week seen anything like this ....


R G said...

I've never been that pleased me, I have my own, after submission of a calendar in Word of the Member States to stay up to date with monthly events and I MS Excel to create a grid showing my week in brief. Each week, the entry of information on lesson plans. in the new network. I am on every weekday. At the end of teaching a full list of classes during the year.

Good luck! : D

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