Friday, February 5, 2010

How Does It Take For Peanut Allergy To Show How Long Does It Take For Symptoms Of A Food Allergy To Show?

How long does it take for symptoms of a food allergy to show? - how does it take for peanut allergy to show

I believe that feeding the introduction of peanut butter to my son. There are no nut allergies in my family or my husband to the family. If yes, by chance, allergies, how long after ingestion, symptoms appear? In a few minutes / hours / day, etc. ..?
In addition, allergic reactions to peanut butter always anaphalactic? If so, how long I should be in the emergency room if you have a reaction?

Thanks in advance! :-)


Anonymous said...

Ships immediately

Anonymous said...

It depends on the reaction. The best thing I can suggest is that your child is a cracker with peanut butter in the car on the way to your next review. So if you are a fatal reaction (the moment) is already on its way to the doctor.

No potentially life-threatening reactions may occur minutes, hours or days. Some children have explosive diarrhea, but it will start to take several hours to complete. Some children are in the hives ... can be immediate or within hours, as it is digested.

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