Sunday, February 14, 2010

Can Running Affect Period Will Taking Birth Control, And Stopping, Affect My Period?

Will taking birth control, and stopping, affect my period? - can running affect period

British Columbia took over a month, but worst was the time to take each day, so I stopped taking them when the package is exhausted. It was time that I stopped and I did not waste my time. My question is - when I took the British Columbia and held my period could be compensated or illness?


The Mrs said...

Yes, you can select one or two months to check back on track after the birth.

If one in two months, I would say you should make your gynecologist, you are good.

brinded by the right said...

Yes, you can get a little messy, you can be a little earlier or a little too late, until your body to the hormones. Your time should be looking for the second period starts after switching off the pill.

Holly W said...

Could it be chaotic, I think everyone is different.

I stopped taking my pill and had my period 3 days later.

How much time elapsed? I would definitely go to the doctor befoore come back!

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